Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Discover New Blogs: February Favourites

If you are looking for some new blogs to follow, here are my top picks from the month of February:

Tea Party Beauty - http://www.teapartybeauty.com/

Hayley has written a couple of posts about skin this month, which I find really interesting as a person with sensitive skin & contact dermatitis. Alongside her 'skin series' posts, she also has some gorgeous beauty products and yummy cakes for you to check out.

Callie Rose - http://www.callierose.co.uk/

Callie grabbed my attention earlier in the month with her caption "You're never too old for Harry Potter" which is so very true. She has a pretty cool t-shirt based on the Marauder's Map! She also has some other great OOTD posts, as well as an amazing collection of miniature beauty items.

What Louise is Loving - http://www.whatlouiseisloving.com/

Louise has an excellent range of reviews that she has posted this month, including lipstick, mascara and blush. She also has a 200 follower giveaway for a NARS bronzer (ends in 9 days) so you should enter this whilst you are on her blog. Her post about brunch will also make you very hungry, but could be good for a bit of mealtime inspiration!

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Frocks and Fairycakes - http://frocksandfairycakes.blogspot.co.uk/

Kayleigh has a wonderful style which is right up my street; she will pair a dress with Converse (which have to be the most comfortable shoes ever). I just had to throw away my black hi-tops after more than five years of wear, so I'm loving Kayleigh's which are pink. She also has a lovely set of photographs from her walk this weekend, and like me she is trying to plan her wedding.


  1. Love this idea, might start doing one on my own blog. Thanks for the new blogs xx


    1. Thanks Allie - I think it would be impossible to find every great lifestyle blog without a few recommendations down the line so I thought I'd do my bit! Following you now on bloglovin'. x


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