Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Veggie Delight - A Hot Lunch In 10 Minutes

As I am working as a freelance copywriter at the moment, I get to work from home (hurrah!). As far as freelancers go, I am very strict with how I break up my day: I wake up at 7:15am and keep a good structure all the way through until 6pm. I'm usually working hard by 8:30am so by lunchtime I am absolutely famished! However as I have the kitchen at my disposal, I can make something a little bit more interesting to eat than a stodgy sandwich with a packet of crisps. Luckily for me, I love cooking and playing around with ingredients; which is why I thought I would share what I ate for lunch today.

There is no official name for it as it isn't in any of my cook books, but I'll dub it 'veggie delight' as it is one of the only things I don't use meat in. So if you want to have some yummy vegetables for your lunch and want something to fill you up until dinner, you are welcome to try out my recipe too :)

What you will need:

  • Pita bread
  • Half portion of courgette - diced
  • One red onion - diced
  • Handful of spinach
  • Seasoning
  • Chillies
  • Sour cream and chive dip
  • Olive oil
  • Splash of water

How to do it:

1) The first thing you will need to do after preparing your vegetables is to heat up a small amount of olive oil in a non-stick frying pan (high heat). Chuck in the courgette and red onion and toss frequently.

2) Once your vegetables are starting to brown, you can go ahead and season them to your liking. I added some of this Gourmet Garden Chilli as it saves you from having to prepare them / avoid putting your fingers in your eyes. I also sprinkled a bit of this cajun style seasoning in as I had some leftovers from when I did wedges. A squeeze of this BBQ sauce is essential - it is my secret ingredient in bolognese too (shhh!). At this point you should add a splash of water to the pan to get a nice consistency and coating.

3) Once some of the water has been absorbed and cooked off, add a handful of baby spinach leaves to the pan - you can turn it down whilst they start to wilt. Meanwhile, heat up your pita over a gas hob, under the grill or in the toaster. Don't let them burn, just heat them up slightly.

4) Right, now that everything has been cooked and heated, you can start to plate up. Put the pita on the bottom and then add the vegetables over it. To finish, put a dollop of sour cream and chive dip on the top - it'll work beautifully with the spice of the chillies. I sprinkled a bit of black pepper on the top too. You're done! Now sit down and eat up.

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